Saturday, July 30, 2011

7/29/11 - After attending the Sounds of Korea performance

Today was the Sounds of Korea performance. It took place in Ford Ampitheatre from 8:00 - 11:00 PM.
Here are some pictures.

오늘 Sounds of Korea 다녀왔습니다. 헐리웃 산골짜기에 울려퍼지던 아름다운 우리의가락,,,
얼~~~쑤!!!우리가락 좋을시고~~~~ 우리것이 좋은것이여~~~~!!!
멘델스존의 한여름밤의 꿈 보다 더더욱 아름답게 한여름밤하늘을 수놓았던 우리의소리
함께하지못하신 2지부 가족여러분 사진으로나마 함께 나누어요~~

더많은 사진들이 사진방에 ,,,,, 사진방으로 오세요 ^^*

                                           John Anson Ford Ampitheatre

                                             Sounds of Korea Tickets
                                          Pictures with the 사물놀이 teacher

                                      The national president of PAVA came also.

                                         District 2's president and vice president



                                                      독주/가야금 산조




                                                       재미국악원 이예근 원장


                                                       종묘제례악/ 희문, 역성




- YoonYoung

Friday, July 29, 2011

부지부장 선출

그동안 수고해주셨던 부지부장님께서 개인적인 사정으로 사임하셨습니다

그래서 2지부의 원활한 활동을 위하여  부득이하게 새로운 부지부장을 선출하게 되었습니다

앞으로 지부장님과 모든2지부 회원님들과함께 2지부를 이끌어갈 새로운 부지부장으로

장윤영 학생과 그의어머니 우경민 님께서 선출 되셨음을 알려드립니다

Jeju Voting & Letters to Congressmembers

In the second district there were nine people who succeeded in getting 100 people to vote for Jeju Island. These were:

Heeseon Chang
YoonYoung Chang
Sue Chin
Flora Eun
Sharon Gi
Christine Hong
Minjung Kim
Stephanie Kim

In addition, there was a total of 13 people who contributed in endorsing the Korea-U.S. FTA by addressing 102 letters to congressmembers. These were:

Heeseon Chang
YoonYoung Chang
Sooean Chin
Flora Eun
Sharon Gi
Allison Jeon
Diana Kim
Jane Kim
Minjung Kim
Stella Kim
Stephanie Kim
Minjung Koh

2 지부 에서는 제주도 투표를 마친 회원들이 둘 있었습니다. 그 명단은 아래와 같습니다.

Heeseon Chang
YoonYoung Chang
Sue Chin
Flora Eun
Sharon Gi
Christine Hong
Minjung Kim
Stephanie Kim


참고로 FTA 지지 운동을 마친 회원들은 13명 있었습니다. 그 명단은 아래와 같슴니다.

Heeseon Chang
YoonYoung Chang
Sooean Chin
Flora Eun
Sharon Gi
Allison Jeon
Diana Kim
Jane Kim
Minjung Kim
Stella Kim
Stephanie Kim
Minjung Koh

- YoonYoung

Thank You!

Thank you for your generous donations.

Jane Kim's mom donated $140.
Stephanie Kim's mom donated $50.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

7/23/11 - PAVA District 2 Meeting

District 2 had a meeting at Shinbookyung on Juy 23, 2011. The people who attended were: Stephanie Kim, YoonYoung Chang, Heeseon Chang, Allison Jeon, Stacy Jung, Hayoon Chung, Suah Kim, Suji Kim, Stella Kim, Minjung Koh, Jane Kim, Christine Hong, and Sharon Gi. Thank you for attending. Here is what we discussed.

1. FTA Letters to Congressmembers
The letters, emails, and faxes, which added up to be about 26000, that PAVA addressed to the congressmembers regarding the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement has been sent. Thank you for all your efforts. We hope to make a difference.

2. Emails
Please send a list of 10 email addresses to your district presidents. These will be used to let others know about PAVA.

3. Vote for Jeju
We can still vote for Jeju Island. Take some time to visit and vote Jeju Island to be included as one of the new seven wonders of the world.

4. Cheerleaders for the Hollywood Parade
We need more people to participate as cheerleaders in the Hollywood Parade, which will be taking place in November. If anyone is interested, let PAVA know.

5. Here is a list of some events which will be taking place in August 2011:
- 8/4 Seminar for those interested in attending law school.
- 8/4 10th annual KYCC concert
- 8/20 Leadership Seminar
- 8/27 Hollywood cleanup

PAVA 2지부 회의가 7월 23일 신북경에서 있었습니다. 참가한 회원 들은 Stephanie Kim, YoonYoung Chang, Heeseon Chang, Allison Jeon, Stacy, Hayoon Chung, Suah Kim, Suji Kim, Stella, Minjung Koh, Jane Kim, Christine Hong, Sharon 이상 여러분 이셨습니다. 시간 내주신 회원 여러분들께 감사드립니다. 회의 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

1. FTA 지지 운동 지부별 결과 보고가 있었습니다.
총 26000통에 편지, fax, email 들이 보내졌습니다. 여러분들의 관심과 정성에 감사드립니다.

2. PAVA 회원당 10개 Email 모으기 운동은 지금도 진행중이오니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

3. 제주도 투표제주도 투표 역시 진행중입니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

4. 11월 달에 있을 Hollywood Parade 치어리더 모집 중입니다. 관심 있으신분들은 참여 부탁드립니다.

5. 8월 중에 있을 행사 안내 입니다.

- 8/4 법대 세미나 (한인 변호사 협회주최)

- 8/4 KYCC 10주년 음악회

- 8/20 Leadership 세미나 (대학진학 밎 leadership seminar) (의대, 약대, 수의대 리더쉽)

- 8/27 Hollywood 청소.



Water Project (Heal the Bay Creek Week) Session 2

From 7/18 to 7/22, we participated in the water project (aka Heal the Bay's Creek Week). It was open to students of all districts enrolled in PAVA. Basically, it's a summer program in which students spend a week exploring different water sites that eventually leads to the ocean. These included Big Tujunga Creek, Hansen Dam, Glendale Narrows, Compton Creek, and finally the Aquarium of the Pacific, where we were able to see where the river meets the ocean. As we progressed from one water site to the next, we were able to notice more and more human influence. In other words, we went from the most pristine of the water sheds to the most impacted. In order to get a deeper understanding of the various creeks, rivers, and dams, we performed many tasks. These included exploring the sites, testing water samples, and looking for macroinvertebrates. Overall, it was a really fun program, and everyone learned a lot. Here are some pictures of what Creek Week was like. Enjoy!
